Sunday, January 9, 2011

Montreal, Quebec June 17-18 2011

Once we walked off the boat in Montreal we were exhausted from traveling so we went directly to our hotel which took two hours since it was so crowded. While we drove to our hotel I saw a lot of stores, it didn't look like there were any factories in this city.  My mother was excited to travel to Old Montreal which  is very European in character with cobblestone streets, a cafĂ© culture, and historic buildings.  We stayed in our hotel for a day to rest and relax. After that day we went out for lunch to eat some poutine. I felt confused because I didn't understand anything that people were saying, but good thing it's a multicultural city. I didn't like the poutine because it had cheese on it and I just wanted french fries. After we tried to go to Montreal Botanical Gardens but we couldn't from all the traffic, so we decided to go early to the hockey game.

We went  so early that we were able to see the players warm up. The home team Montreal Canadiens lost 4-0 to Toronto Maple Leafs. The Hockey game was a blow out, Montreal was crushed. When we came home, we wanted to watch T.V, but we couldn't because they were talking french, so we had to watch the cooking channel that was the only channel speaking English. Then we went to bed excited for Regina and the Royal Mounted Canadian Police!

Population: 1,620,693
Population Density: 4,439 km square
Landforms: Mount Royal
Climate: Wet warm summers, cold snowy winters, temperature affected by Great Lakes maritime climate
Ecozone: Mixwood Plains
National Park: Parc National du Mont Tremblant
Industries: tertiary
Tourism: Mount Royal, Old Montreal and Montreal Botanical Gardens
Latitude: 45.508889
Longitude: 73.554167

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